Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Baby Grace - 3 Months Old - Chapel Hill, NC Baby Child Photographer Corey Williams
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Some favorites! Christmas Card Shots from 2009. Corey Williams Photography
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Pretty Ladies - Christmas Portraits with the G Family - Chapel Hill Baby Child Portrait Photographer - Corey Williams

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Super Silly Siblings

Just Two Sessions Left!!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Blueberry Picking at Cedar Grove Farm, NC

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
A Wet N Wild Day! - Chapel Hill, NC Baby Child Photographer -
My favorite images are of Mr. B playing in one of the water features. He had such a blast!

And here are some of my other favorite images from the day...

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Newborn! Sneak Peek at Mr. Grady

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The Thumbs Up! Chapel Hill, NC Baby Child Photographer - Corey Williams Photography - Portraits of Kids, Families, Newborns, Babies and More
Hung out at the pool yesterday evening with the kiddos and several friends were there too. I absolutely love this pic of Mr. J expressing his feelings about the Tar Heels!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Photographer for Hire!!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Fourth of July
The fourth of July is my favorite holdiay. It's the one holdiay where the mommies get to lounge around as much as everyone else. For us, that means a full day at the pool complete with pool games, a full bar, snow cones and saying yes to ice cream all day long. Then, we head home and change into matching outfits (cheesy, I know) and head back to the GC for golf cart decorating. This year, we had a Sponge Bob 4th of July theme. Then, it's off the club for dinner, a bouncy house, drinks, and amazing fireworks. I just love every minute of it. I photographed several friend's kids today. This is one of my buds little girl's. She sure did love that blue snowcone. I also love the goggles and those goregous wet pigtails!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Wet Kiddos
We went to the pool again today and had a blast. I sat next to one of my buds and took that opportunity to photograph one of her kids as he got out of the pool. He was such a wet cutie! Gave my kids a break from the camera for once.
Monday, June 29, 2009
The Summer of H20
Clearly there's been a theme to our summer so far - water. We just got back from the beach with my best friend, Allison and we had a blast. The klids played in the sand, jumped in the waves, splashed in the pool, laughed, giggled and smiled. Of course, they also got overtired, so they cried, grumped, grouched and threw fits. But it was the sort of trip that I'll remember for a long long time. Filled with pancakes, hotdogs, ice cream, cold beer (adults only!) and lots of good times and funny stories. And did I mention the photo opportunities? There were nearly endless for a shutterbug.
Friday, June 26, 2009
A wonderful day
Every now and then, I have days like today. Days where the world stands still and all that there is in creation is me and my three wonderful children. Today was a day like that. For hours, they jumped waves, dug in the sand, swam in the salty water and collected shells. The joy that the felt was contagious. I sat in a beach chair, under an umbrella and watched them play with a full, full heart.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Scrunchie Face Swimming
Today, Mr. B, Baby C, the WG, Vitoria and I all headed to the Hope Valley pool to swim. My best friend, Allison, is a member there. The kids had a big time - the big ones diving and the little ones flopping around in the shallow end. I just couldn't resist photographing Baby T. She enjoys the water so much. She flops around with her mouth open, splashes herself, gets out and jumps in from a seated position. It's all so very, very cute. More photos on my Flickr if you click through....
Monday, June 22, 2009
in a pile of noodles
The kids fastened a bunch of noodles together to make a "canoe" today at the pool. We decided to name it a Canoodle. They had a big time floating around on it.
We went swimming this afternoon. As usual, my camera was in tow. WG loves to float on her back. She has the best time floating around the pool. Those goggles are such a staple in her summer wardrobe, I expect to see them nearly every time I look at her. :-)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Those Eyes
WG has the most amazing eyes. I snapped this of her when she was swimming today. They were so bright in the mid day sun.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
"My Mom is Really Into That Camera"
So, not only am I driving my own kids nuts - photographing them at every turn. But now, I'm driving my friend's kids nuts too. This afternoon, I was at my best friend's house for a playdate. The crazy nut invited eight kids over (my three, her three, and two others) to play. Just as soon as Baby C slept, I grabbed my camera and started following them around. There wasn't a lot of light in the house, but luckily Baby T was up for a romp on the terrace. She's two and she doesn't stop. She moves constantly, and she certainly wasn't stopping to pose for me. So, I just kept moving with her. And when she looked at me, this is what I got. That expression that says, "Alright, Already!" She's just as cute as she can be. She better get used to it. With models like this, a newbie photographer just can't help herself.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
My mom and her sisters are the very best of friends. They came in this weekend for Jarrett's graduation BBQ. It was a great time, as it always is. They talk all over one another, make jokes and laugh a whole, whole lot. As you can tell, no one can stop talking, even for a photo. I miss my aunts so much! It's so wonderful to have "the girls" for a visit,
The WG
I bribed WG with a trip to the pool into a quick 10 minutes photo session. Even though she was annoyed with me, we got some good shots! It's so hard not to use my favorite little subjects as guinea pigs, but they are definately getting tired of it. "Mom is really in to that camera, isn't she?"
Thursday, June 11, 2009
We just got back from Disney World with my dad, Pat and two of my siblings - Will and Haley. They are both camera shy teens but I got some great shots of both of them. My dad thinks his children are the most attractive children on the planet. He has a theory about genes. Ask him about the vigorous gene theory sometime.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Sprinkler Fun
Two of WG's buddies came over this afternoon and played in the sprinkler. They were such cuties, I gave my poor, overphotographed kids a rest and had fun capturing these two playing. They even smiled at me some!!!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
On Stage
Vitoria, Mel and I took the kids to the children's museum last week. They had a blast. B had fun dressing up and playing on the stage. Vitoria snapped this shot of him and I edited it. Yummy!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Baby C
Baby C is getting so big! He's eight weeks now. I took this photo of him over daddy's shoulder on Memorial Day at the pool. He was a such an angel that day. Sleeping, nursing and just hanging out while the big kids played and played.