So, on Sunday Mel and I loaded up the kids and headed to the Cedar Grove Blueberry Farm in Cedar Grove, NC. It was about a half hour from Chapel Hill (of course, I drive like a grandma) but it was a pretty drive and we enjoyed it. We arrived to find a lovely, mature blueberry grove. Most of the bushes at Cedar Grove were 20 years old, so they were taller than Mel. It was a lovely day - low humidity and in the 80s - and we really enjoyed picking. The kids played on a swing set, picked berries, checked out the bugs and played in the rows of blueberry bushes. In the end, we picked 9 and 1/2 lbs of the delicious little fruit. Mel is already talking about going back and tomorrow morning I'll be rising early to make muffins. I give Cedar Grove two big thumbs up. It was a wonderful, wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon

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