Friday, May 20, 2011

V's Sweet Baby C - Baby Photographer Chapel Hill NC

So, yesterday I went over to see V, a sweet friend that has helped me on a couple of different fundraisers for Kidzu Children's Museum. She just had her first baby, C, a few months before the gala. He's now about six weeks old and what a precious cutie.

There was something about spending time with them that felt very real, very present. The immediacy of a baby's needs made me really feel the weight of each moment in a way I haven't in a while.

And then there was V, so patient, so calm. So much calmer than I was as a first time mom. It was lovely. I hope the photos do them justice.


Anonymous said...

Like those 2011 resolutions Alabama ;)

Anonymous said...
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Corey Williams said...

Hey Jackie. I hope youre doing well. Its been a long time.

So many of my resolutions have fallen by the wayside. Halfway through the year, and I bet I've let half of them go. Witness my 365 project. It's been a long, hard year.

I'm working on a new blog. Maybe it will inspire me to keep up with that one, at least.